Town of Malta Successes
The Town of Malta was one of the earliest and most active Towns in the effort to provide a county wide system of trails. 
1980s - Visionaries within the town recognized the value of using the Abandoned rail right-of-way that passed through the center of town as an important link between Ballston Spa, the Town of Malta, Village of Round Lake, and other Towns to it's south and east.
1991 - Activists within the Town and Village of Round Lake saved a critical rail bridge over the four lanes of State Route 9 from removal during reconstruction of the highway.  Removal of the bridge would have removed the only unobstructed pedestrian and bicyling accessable crossing of the highway. 
1998 - With Town Highway crews the Town paved  the Zim Smith Trail between Eastline Road and Ruhle Road.  This segment provided pedestrian, bicycling, rollerblade and other access to the new Shenantaha Park.
2000 - Town Highway crews complete a paved trail linking the commercial area at the intersection of Route 9 and Route 67; the Luther Forest residential areas along Dunning Street; and the Plains Road Park.
          In the fall of 2001 the Town completed improvements and paved an additional mile and a half of the Zim Smith Trail which now connects neighborhoods on the south side of Ballston Creek with East Line Road and Shenantaha Park south to the Village of Round Lake.
return to County's successes
- In the Spring of 2002 a pedestrian bridge was installed at Ruhle Road to cross Ballston Creek and link northern parts of town with the Zim Smith Trail.  This is a 1888 lenticular truss iron bridge, built by the Berlin Iron Bridge Co. that was donated by Washington County to the Town of Malta.